
System.to_andes(setup=True, addfile=None, overwite=None, no_keep=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Convert the AMS system to an ANDES system. This function is a wrapper of ams.interop.andes.to_andes().

Using the file conversion sp.to_andes() will automatically link the AMS system instance to the converted ANDES system instance in the AMS system attribute sp.dyn.


The AMS system to be converted to ANDES format.

setupbool, optional

Whether to call setup() after the conversion. Default is True.

addfilestr, optional

The additional file to be converted to ANDES dynamic mdoels.

overwritebool, optional

Whether to overwrite the existing file.

no_keepbool, optional

True to remove the converted file after the conversion.


Keyword arguments to be passed to andes.system.System.


The converted ANDES system.


>>> import ams
>>> import andes
>>> sp = ams.load(ams.get_case('ieee14/ieee14_rted.xlsx'), setup=True)
>>> sa = sp.to_andes(setup=False,
...                  addfile=andes.get_case('ieee14/ieee14_wt3.xlsx'),
...                  overwrite=True, no_keep=True, no_output=True)